Wednesday 2 November 2011

Awareness of Converging Technology in the Creative Media Sector

1.2 Describe key intellectual property and copyright issues, related to digital technology and content creation.

Creative work that can be treated as an asset or physical property is referred to as Intellectual property. The rights to Intellectual property fall mainly into four core areas; copyright, trademarks, design rights and patent laws. It is illegal to use any intellectual property under the four main property right laws without permission from the rightful owner or proof to the right to use.

A good example surrounding the issue of copyright & patent infringement is the ongoing battle between Apple and Samsung.  According to Wall Street Journal Apple has filed suit against Samsung, alleging that the Samsung Galaxy line mimics the look and feel of the I-phone and I-OS. In particular the lawsuit highlights Samsung's products, such as the Galaxy S 4G, Epic 4G, Nexus S and Galaxy Tab, stating that, "Rather than innovate and develop its own technology and a unique Samsung style for its smart phone products and computer tablets, Samsung chose to copy Apple's technology, user interface and innovative style in these infringing products."

The thing that makes this lawsuit particularly awkward is the fact that Apple is Samsung's competitor, but also one of its biggest customers. Samsung at present equipments Apple with large amounts of flash memory, LCD displays and the A4 and A5 chips found in I-Phone 4’s and I-Pad’s. 

For more information regarding copyright and intellectual property please visit the links below:

2.1 Explain what is meant by converging technology.

The term “converging technology” is used to describe the merge of two or more technologies that were previously separate technologies. Converging technology seems to be the case for the future of all technology; the ability to multi task from a single device seems to be most appealing to the public and pushes the boundaries for competitors in the market while opening up more opportunities for business.

With new technology becoming more mobile most media content can be accessed on the go, while traveling by train, commuting by bus or from any other place away from home without the use of an adapter plugged into the wall mains.
One of the most popular tools and converged piece of technology we use today is the mobile phone now evolved and known as the Smartphone. Smart? Smart because it almost eliminates the need for consumers to carry multiple devices at once by converging previously separate technologies into a single device. Smartphone’s can send and receive emails, surf the Internet, play games and provide navigation.

I personally use my Smartphone (Samsung Galaxy S2) for:     

   ·      Phone calls
   ·      Video calls,
   ·      Text,
   ·      MMS,
   ·      Camera
   ·      Gaming
   ·      GPS Navigation
   ·      Web Browsing
   ·      Bluetooth to send files
   ·      Alarm clock
   ·      Calculator
   ·      Calendar
   ·      Email
   ·      Memo
   ·      Voice recorder
   ·      Entertainment

Smartphone’s having a long list of functions and access to media content and applications provide platforms for businesses to bring their services over to mobile platforms which in return will give them a wider range of access to consumers and other opportunities.

2.2 Explain the impact of converging technology on the workforce within a specific Creative Media industry.

In my workplace we use computers both PC and Apple Mac as the main source for productivity. As you all know computers speed up and make long time-consuming tasks much easier and provide fast access to vast amounts of information.

My workplace benefits from the use of computers in many ways but one that stands out from the obvious is Long distance communication. What would we do if we didn’t have the technology to perform long-range conference and video calls with offices in other parts of the world at one time? Well after arranging an appropriate time and place to meet, employees would most likely have to travel by plane to meet, which would cost the business money, as it would be claimed on business expenses. Having to travel often could be an inconvenience and also time consuming. With those issues outlined we can clearly make an informed decision that for the business having access to computers is cost effective, convenient and time saving.

3.1 Describe the changing expectations of audiences and consumers within a chosen Creative Media Industry

Unlike many years ago Computers today are being used as the main method to distribute, store, record and play music. This technological shift made quite an impact causing economic changes and fundamentally changed the relationships within the music industry and the interaction with consumers. A decline in album sales was met with an increase in consumers downloading single songs more so than whole albums with applications like I-tunes. Recording artists began to rely primarily on live performances and merchandise for their income, which in turn made them more dependent on music promoters such as Live Nation (For whom I so proudly work for).

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