Friday 29 July 2011

My Digital Life

Below is a list of some of the digital communication tools I use on a regular basis and an explanation as to why.

Email: An email is a message sent from an email account to another email account ( to To send an email you need access to a computer with an Internet connection. Once you have those tools you will need an account, a popular email provider is or Once your account is set up you can then start sending and receiving emails. As well as messages you can also send attachments through email. An attachment can be in many formats such as a doc file, mp3, wav, jpeg etc.

I log into my email accounts often; I have my personal email accessed through hotmail and my work email account accessed through Microsoft entourage. I use my personal email for anything other than work related things; leisure purposes and my work email account simply for work related topics. Sending an email is easy to do, convenient and a fast way of communicating. I find it very useful when sending documents as attachments because it saves time and money instead of having to print out a physical copy or save the document onto a USB then travelling to give it to the person.

Multimedia Messaging /Text: Multimedia Messaging Service is used to send and receive messages containing multimedia content such as video, images, audio and text. Applications include personal messaging and delivery of paid content. The Multimedia Messaging Service Centre (MMSC) provides the switching and network storage required to operate this service.

The concept of Multimedia Messaging Service is an extension of the SMS (short message service), which supports only text messaging.

I use text messaging as a more personal form of communication, I find texting very convenient at times when I don't feel like talking or sending and receiving details for a social even as you can always look back at that text without worrying about an internet connection or how much credit you have remaining.

SkypeSkype is an instant messaging; voice and video-calling application accessed on computers, mobiles phones and tablets and needs an Internet connection to work. The application also supports file transfer and is free for the basic service but costs apply for other services such as calls abroad.

I knew about Skype for a while, way before Microsoft bought the firm but its only since I've joined Live nation/Ticketmaster that I have started using it. At work we communicate to each other on Skype as an alternative to emails as we receive 100's of emails during the day so it is usually for an immediate response or light banter.

YouTube: YouTube is a website that allows you to upload and share your videos on your own channel with the world once you have signed up for an account. People all over the world can view and comment on your video but you can add restrictions as to who can view and comment on your channel. You can have members subscribe and follow your channel allowing them to see notifications anytime you add content. To watch content you don’t need to have an account but for any other functions you will have to sign up.

YouTube has made the Internet a livelier place. It has so much to offer for everyone, I have learnt allot on YouTube, watching tutorials for so many different things from how to install and use Wordpress, to how to use Adobe Illustrator to How to ride a motorcycle.

Bluetooth: Bluetooth is a wireless technology that lets you connect computers, mobile phones, and handheld devices to each other and to the Internet within a short-range. The great thing about Bluetooth technology is that it takes away the confusion and fuss of long messy cords and cables that get in the way or restrict your movement such as headphones. Bluetooth-enabled devices connect wirelessly within a 10 m range and as technology improves I’m sure the range and capacity of the Bluetooth signal will develop much further.

I use Bluetooth quite regular for listening to music, Yup! That’s rite. I have wireless Bluetooth headphones thanks to a company called Jaybird. I'm extremely impressed with these headphones, they have a great quality sound which is hard to produce when using Bluetooth as the quality is lost through streaming and the battery life is quite good. Well-done Jaybird!

Glossary of Terms

What is a Blog?

Web logs, or blogs, have grown more and more popular as the internet becomes more interactive. It seems that everybody has their own blog, from teachers to college students to celebrities. So what is a blog exactly?

Well, a blog is a group of online written posts that are used to enlighten, interest or share experiences with other people. Some people write a blog for a specific audience, such as their friends, family, fellow students or for people who share a similar interest. A blog can serve many different purposes; some people use it for personal writing, rather like a journal or diary.


3G is a term you hear a great deal when talking about mobile phones, but what exactly does it mean?

3G actually stands for third generation, referring to the form of connection a mobile phone can make.

The first generation of mobile phones transmitted an analogue signal which was then replaced by a second generation of digital signals known as 2G.

The next step 2.5G an improvement on 2G, but it was the development of 3G that really pushed mobile phone technology forward.

3G was a major improvement as it had the capacity to carry higher amounts of data, therefore enabling 3G mobile phones to access the internet at reasonable speeds.

It is believed 3G phones are capable of downloading data at 384kb/s.  This is the equivalent to downloading a song in around a minute, depending on signal strength you may experience slower speeds.

Ever heard of Bluetooth? (Sure you have)

Bluetooth is a wireless technology that lets you connect computers, mobile phones, and handheld devices to each other and to the Internet within a short-range. The great thing about Bluetooth technology is that it takes away the confusion and fuss of long messy cords and cables that get in the way or restrict your movement such as head phones. Bluetooth-enabled devices connect wirelessly within a 10 m range and as technology improves I’m sure the range and capacity of the Bluetooth signal will develop much further.

Multimedia Messaging Service

Multimedia Messaging Service is used to send and receive messages containing multimedia content such as video, images, audio and text. Applications include personal messaging and delivery of paid content. The Multimedia Messaging Service Centre (MMSC) provides the switching and network storage required to operate this service.

The concept of Multimedia Messaging Service is an extension of the SMS (short message service), which supports only text messaging.


URL is a website address, whichever a domain name or a page, a good example of one which I use nearly every day is, another one I use regularly is The term URL stands for uniform resource locator and is used frequently instead of the possible alternatives, such as web address, website address, web page address, and so on.

Appropriate language conventions for texting a friend

When texting a friend abbreviations are usually used to shorten the length of words while still conveying the intended message. Communication with a friend is informal thus making it appropriate to use such conventions as abbreviation, single letters/numbers and pictures. This style of language is also common on the Internet, including in email and instant messaging. An example of the most popular and widely used abbreviation is "LOL" which means laughing out loud. Most commonly you'll notice that the vowels are removed to shorten the word or single letters or numbers replace words eg. "be" becomes b, "to" becomes 2 or a combination of both, " tomorrow" becomes 2ma or 2moro.

Appropriate language conventions of emailing a colleague

When it comes to work relations we usually keep things formal as it is a business relationship and not a friendship, although you can be friends in any situation. When writing an email to a colleague we tend to stay well away from abbreviations and focus on full length sentences, correct grammar, structure and format. Now I could go and throw in a couple of examples but am I really here to give you an English lesson? (laughs)

Thursday 28 July 2011

I'm technically rather good! (If I do say so myself)


Here I am tightening the screws attaching the base to the bottom of the camera, which I then firmly secured to the tripod.

Here you can see me supporting the camera and upper tripod while Deri made adjustments to the legs of the tripod.

At this point our production team are ready to go as we double check the lighting through the cameras view finder and make minor adjustments to the lighting to eliminate unwanted contrast and shadows.


Here myself and Rob(Director) are working out the best technique for the shot and what should be included in the frame.

Rob walks through one of the scenes to help make sure everything that was meant to be in shot was on camera, especially as we had a few takes zoomed in on Apprentice man's (Edun) face.

Post production

To edit our videos we used Final cut pro on a mac. Before we could get any editing done the team decided to come up with a way of sorting out what footage we were most likely to use by labeling folders as follows; Good footage, Bad footage, Maybe and then naming the scenes appropriately so it was easy to find what we needed.

The group admire Robs quest for perfection and add alternative ways to make the most out of some scenes.

Pre production meeting

DIVA apprentices were given a task of producing their own viral marketing campaign that appealed to managers/employers as well as the general public with the purpose of spreading awareness of Diva’s services.

 Diva was impressed particularly with the idea Rob brought to the table so this is the idea that was granted production. The Title of this production was called 'Apprentice Man'.

Below is some evidence of what was discussed at our pre-production meeting.

Brain storming

Story boarding

Ideal Location and Props

Presentation for Viral Marketing campaign

Story board of my idea for the Diva Viral Ad

Here I have illustrated scene by scene the sequence of events as to what I thought would be a captivating performance (laughs) no but really it was just a ruff idea for the Diva Viral Ad.